Sunday, July 4, 2010

Outside fun at the Ranch

My favorite part of the Ranch is the laid back, I can escape from the world part. But the kids love the outside run free fun.

This is my cousin Evan's Toy. It's a full sized gator that he fixed up, my kids think it's the best toy in the world. I was trying to keep the kids out of Aunt Sissy's hair and away from the Turkey fryer so I piled them all in to go for a drive, Marianne needed a ride down to the Barn to see if Dad or Uncle Ted had a key to Grandma's house so they could get something Dano need for the cake. Well they didn't but Mom and Marianne took off to go see if they could get in. Aunt sissy asked me where they were going and I said "I don't know I'm not on old lady duty, I'm on Kid duty". Since I had already made my part of the meal she had asked me to be on Kid duty. I thought I was funny, but I'm not sure she thought I was very funny.

I got Evan to take the kids Razor they got for Christmas with him when he came. I really thought the kids would enjoy riding it around the Ranch.

My cowboys are so cute. I think this one looks like there having a meeting of some sort.

My cute girl.

Jacob's looking for Kittens to Pet. Dylan & Ben have the exact same dump truck

Kids playing in the park and running wild.

Have I mentioned how much I love these babies and how cute I think they are.

I also took the kids gator from Raton so they'd have that to play with too.

My kids also love the chickens. I didn't realize watching them eat table scraps was so fun. But they sure seem to think so.

The guys were working on something and the horses got in where they weren't suppose to be and Uncle Ted was trying to get Patches to get them out. Well being that patches is still a puppy and doesn't always listen so well uncle Ted got mad and started yelling at her well since my kids were right there he was good and didn't say anything too bad, So he said something like "You unlistening dog" which made me giggle because I'm sure he really wanted to say a lot more. So to poke a little fun at him I yelled over the fence. "Hey your dog listens about as well as my kids do."

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