Thursday, July 8, 2010

ceramics with Grandma Carol

When I was a kid we had a ceramic room in our basement and we could do ceramics with mom when ever we wanted, it was great. and Eva Mae has a shop next to her house where she has a large ceramic room and we use to go and do ceramics with her too. So we went and did ceramics with her too. And she would take us with her to ceramic shows with her and let us help her with selling her ceramics and giving back change and stuff. Looking back now it wasn't exactly a "cool" activity but we loved it I think it was just getting the extra special time activity with Auntie Mae Mae. I remember one time I went over there and helped her and she had gotten shelves somewhere and she payed me a couple of dollars to clean shelf's. I loved it.

Hay & Jacob working on their Projects.

Grandma working on hers.

I loved watching Benners the determination on his face. He worked so hard on his projects. and he put layers and layers of paint on it. It was so hard to get any thing of my own done watching him done.
I had a little pity party at this point because I had to take Ben back to moms take a nap so the big kids stayed with mom and painted and I had to stay at the other house. So I pouted for a little while sometimes it's not fun being a mom and you have to miss the fun stuff and be responsible. I wanted to go back over and paint. =(

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