Saturday, November 7, 2009

State Fair

Mandy & I took the kids to the State fair. Hailey was so excited. She made this sign and held it up for the first 2o minutes. Everyone noticed and got a chuckle out of my funny little girl.

We ate lunch and then went to the petting zoo. It was free but you had to pay for the food so I made the kids share. They had Llamas, goats, sheep, and Kangaroos. You couldn't pet the kangaroos but the kids enjoyed watching them. Ben was very interested in all these animals all around him.

As we were leaving the animals we walked through the birds and they had these weird pigeons. Mandy and I decided it looked like someone had taken a pigeon and stretched it's neck out.
We thought we should caption it "that's just not right"
At this point my phone died so no more pictures. Then we went and got tickets to ride rides and play games. What a rip off, $10 to get in and then each ticket is .50 and each ride is 4 or 5 tickets and don't get me started on the games that are 10 tickets a try. do they think were stupid that's $5 try. what a rip off. that's why no one was on the rides are playing the games. I felt bad the kids were only tall enough to ride the little kid rides. and Ben wasn't tall enough to ride anything. So every time the big kids went to ride something he would cry and scream because he was getting left behind. Then as we were leaving Hailey saw the pony rides and begged to go on them but I had to tell her no because I had spent all the money I'd brought and they were $8 a child. I was very disappointed. I have such fond memories of the state fair from when I was a kid. What a rip off. I think we will skip it next year.

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