Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rohwer Visit

The next dozen post's are all about Sam, John, & Valerie's visit to see us. They were here for 6 days, and we had a ton of fun with them, but we also did a ton of stuff with them. This post is just some pictures of us hanging out at my house.

Kids playing in the Toy room ----Hailey in her natural state now a days with her nose in a book.

Me giving Valerie a big hug. It's funny how kids are different. With my kids if I ask for a hug and they say no, all I have to do is pretend to cry and they will run over and give me a big hug, well that doesn't work with Valerie she thinks it's funny and laughs at you. So I had to learn the trick with her is when she tells you no to tell her. Good I didn't want your stinky hugs anyway and then she'll run over and hug you. she's so funny.

I have no idea what they are doing, but they look like they are having an in depth conversation.

Bath Time. Valerie was very excited to take a bath with HAHA(that is what she calls Hailey)
Valerie was Hailey's shadow all week and anything Hailey said Valerie would agree with it. I asked who's gonna take a bath first the girls or boys, and Valerie said "The Gils" and Hailey said "No the Boys" So Valerie had to quickly agree "yeah the boys"

Benner and Aunt Sam

Jacob really enjoyed having uncle John around. He thought he was a great play mate.

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