Saturday, July 3, 2010

Clayton BBQ

The town host a BBQ after the Parade but before the Rodeo. They have a playground at the Fairgrounds ant I think my kids enjoy that more then the actual BBQ

Who needs playmates when you have Uncles. I know what your thinking I thought you only have one brother. Well I do technically only have 1 brother but I have mentioned before I only have 1 aunt and 2 cousins so we grew up very close so my cousins are more like extra brothers.

They were having trouble getting the merry go round going fast enough, So Uncle Bubbi and Evan went over and helped them. I did have to yell at them, because as a worrying mom I was afraid someone was going to go flying off, especially when a stranger girl joined the fun then I was really afraid they were going to have that new little girl that we didn't know flying off.

Jacob has to take Dramamine and Hay takes it for windy roads, after we got out to ranch Mom let me know I had left it in Raton so I tried to call Uncle Ted who was in town to have him pick me up some more but he forgot his phone so then I tried my cousin Jeremy who was headed down later that day, He was nice enough to stop and get it for me. Well long story short Ryan neglected to tell me the last two times he bought it he bought non-drowsy. So I neglected to tell Jeremy that and so I gave each of the kids half of one but it knocked them out, I swear they ate a few bites and fell asleep in their plates.

at one point he woke crawled in my moms lap and went back to sleep. We sat and visited, it was great. My dad's cousin Brenda even came over and visited for a few minutes.

I love both my cousins little boys, But I have a special place in my heart for his youngest. There were 5 of us growing up and I was the youngest, and when Evan and I are together between my kids and his there are 5 and Dylan is the youngest. Besides the fact that he's so stinking cute.

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