We drove by the spot where my great grandparents homesteaded. And My grandma started telling me about My great Grandma and she would bake a cake a cary it in a towel as she rode her horse over the mountain. I'm not even sure how that would work. I pressed her for more information on like if she left the cake in a pan or what? and she didn't know. I told her Grandma your killing me I need this information to have this story in my head, and she laughed at me. and then she was telling me how my great grandma use to work all these odd jobs to make ends meet. She would go to the apple orchard and pick apples all day long and instead of paying her the farmer would pay her in apples and she would bring them home and can them. and then on another day she would go over to the guy who had a soap plant and work all day and he would pay her in soap.
More of the Ranch.
Since we missed story time after we went to lunch we went to the Folsom Museum. Grandma's cousins, This sign is at the entrance on the desk.
The kids had a harder time after being at the Clayton Museum where the lady let them touch everything, but at this museum everything had a sign on it that said "No touching" but as you see my kids don't listen and still touch everything.
Cool old Soda machine, and Cheese Cabinet, I'm not sure how it worked to keep cheese in this but it looked cool.
My family donated this saddle it belonged to my great grandparents.
Cool story
My kids got bored very quickly so I took them out in the garden to run around while grandma visited with her cousins.
My grandma said when they lived her 50 some years ago the man that ran this gas station was always covered in Greece. And she had gotten my dad dressed in his nice clothes and she told him not to get dirty or he would get in trouble so when the station guy reached out his hand to shake my dad's little hand my dad started to shake his hand and then jerked his hand back almost like saying. "no way your not getting me in trouble"I love old buildings. Some day my mom and I are going to take a road trip and take pictures of buildings and find out there stories and write a coffee table book.
I thought it was funny they have a phone booth. In the city your hard pressed to find a pay phone and they have one right there in the middle of town.
He was mad because I wanted him to stay in the garden with Hailey and Jacob while I walked down the street and took some pictures. Can you guess who won?
I loved this old building. Your probably going to laugh at me but it looked so sad.
More cool old buildings.
I love history so If you don't the rest of this post might be kind of boring and you might want to skip it.
I can't believe the amount of white they wore considering they had to wash everything by hand. I think I would have dyed every ones clothes brown so the dirt didn't show.
I thought this old Bank stuff was cool.
This Hotel was Built by a Company of Developers out of Dallas TX Sort of Sponsored by two local citizens, they Ryan Brothers. They Conceived the Idea of a Resort that would attract Folks from the Hot areas of the Southland, Espescially the Wealthy. And too, to make it a Health Resort, as the climate is coducive to Respiratory cases. The idea sounded excellent. They had put a dam across the river to make a lake for boating and fishing. The building was ready for furniture, they roomes papered with pretty wall paper and eack with a fireplace, when the builders got into a disagreements, run short on funds and abandoned the project. They left no on in charge so folks lived in it thru the years as they would be building their homes and finally they started using the materials for their buildings, takeing a door here and a window there. The flood of 1908 washed away what was left of it, which they say was very little. A portion of the foundation is all that remains . During Fourth of July celebrations, they would dance in the hotel at night. Some Bro't bed rolls and slept in the rooms.
In all the years I have come to this musuem with my family and heard stories about this area I had never heard this one I thought it was such an interesting little story. I really think if I was smarter, liked school more, I would have gone into some kind of History field I just love it and ear it up.
So I do have to tell you I felt horrible I walked around and took pictures of almost everything in that meusum and as we were leaving I saw a sign that said No pictures please. I told the cousin sitting at the desk, I'm so sorry I just saw that sign and I took so many pictures. she was like Oh no big deal. But I think she was a little annoyed. Like your bratty kids have been in here not being guite and you have not been reading the signs and takeing pictures of everyting. Great!!
Grandma was still visiting and we were in no hurry but the kids were getting realy crazy so I took them out the the car to watch the movie and told her to vist as long as she wanted. Of course Ben didn't fall asleep until after we left so he got a really late nap. When we got back to mom's I carried them in and they stayed sound asleep right where I left dropped them.
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