We got our chairs and went home and by the time we got there the Easter had come and Grandma Carol and Pappy had arrived. So we checked out our baskets.
Every year the Easter Bunny brings my kids outside toys like sand box toys, bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Since Spring is prime playing outside time for Arizona Kids. He also brings the adults each a chocolate Easter Bunny. it worked well this year because I used them as Place cards at dinner time.
Ben had a hard time digging into just his basket. He wanted to unpack everyone Else's basket.
Kids digging into there baskets.
Aunt Sam, Uncle John and Valerie came and then we hunted eggs. The kids did great. I talked with Hailey and Jacob and told them that the Easter Bunny would hide some eggs for them but leave some out in the open for Ben and Valerie because they are littler so they needed to leave those out in the open ones for them. They all got the same amount of eggs. 8or9 real ones and 10-12 plastic ones. The big kids just took off so fast I hardly saw what they were doing. And once Ben got the hang of it he really enjoyed it. Grandma Jammie helped him find more eggs.
The girls on the hunt
Cute boys, Ben looks so proud of himself.
Full Baskets.
Our babies showing off their finds
Jacob waiting for me to count his eggs. Ben saying hay did you know there's candy in these.
My girl so proud of herself, and me counting eggs. I had to make sure we got them all.
Every body joined us for dinner at our house. It's a little bit much for Ryan but he puts up with it because he loves me and he knows I love to entertain. And I don't like to choose between which family. So we had my 5, My mom and dad, my sister Sam her husband John and their little girl Valerie, Ryan's mom and her friend Steve, and Ryan's sisters Ashley and Mandy. So that is 14 people. Everybody was great and pitched in and brought something to contribute to the meal. And every one helped with the prep and the clean up. It was so great having everyone here together.

Ashley, Mandy, Ryan, Jammie, Steve, Kent, Carol, Sam, John
Sam, John, Hailey, Valerie, Ben, Jacob, Ashley, Mandy, Ryan
Pappy entertaining Ben so he was out of the way. Ben didn't appreciate it very much but I did.
The big kids helping Aunt Mammy make deviled Eggs. Ryan & Carol working on the Potatoes for the Cheesy Potatoes.
Ben trying to help Pappy and Daddy carve the Ham. And Ben making Steve talk on the fake phone.
Rohwers hanging out. and Mandy's beautiful trifle
Not only was it pretty but it was super tasty.
After everyone left we watched the second session of conference which we had TVO'd. Thank goodness for TVO. The big kids did good. I bought those Fuzzy pipe cleaners so Hailey and I could do craft projects they wanted to play with them so I opened them up and they sat and played with them for the first half of the session. If I would have know they we work so well to keep the kids entertained I would have brought them out earlier. Then Ben got up and he started riling everyone up again. So finally we gave up and sent them to the other room to watch a movie. I think 7 hours of church in one weekend is enough.
Ben enjoying his pez from his basket.
looks like you had a fun Easter and Conference time....pipe cleaners hmmmm great idea!!
What great things the kids made with pipe cleaners. I think I may have to buy some and have Luke entertained by them!
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