Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Spectacular

Eduprize has a Spring Spectacular every year. They have food, and bouncers, and baskets you can bid on, a book fair and games. We left Ben at home with Daddy, and Aunt Sam & Uncle John and Valerie went with us. I couldn't eat the food anyway so I packed my gluten free sandwich and I ate my sandwich while I volunteered my mandatory 30 minutes, I checked wristbands at the door, and Aunt Sam & Uncle John took the kids to get food. After that we went through the baskets the kids were horrible and fought and were bored, I was strong though I didn't bid on anything this year, because last year I bid on 2 baskets because I just knew there would be no way I could win both but I was wrong I won both and had to barrow money from a friend because I didn't have enough to pay my bill.

It was nice having 2 other adults because while one adult was in line for one thing one of us would go get in line for something else. So Uncle John was nice enough to stand in the huge Balloon animal line while we took the kids to play the carnival games.

Valarie and Jacob didn't get the point that their swords weren't really suppose to be used as swords so they kept hitting each other and eventually they pooped and there was a little crying.

While I stood in line for the last bouncer Aunt Sam took them over to the book fair and let them pick their books then we bounced and I ran over and paid for their books. We had snow cones, popcorn and cotton candy. We let the kids play on the play ground for a few minutes and then we got out of their. I don't know who was more tired the adults or the kids.

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