Friday, December 11, 2009

Ward Christmas Party

This year the ward did Dinner with Santa. While we ate our dinner Santa came and Joined us and we sang songs. As soon as he walked out, I said to Jacob "who's that?" and Jacob said "Santa, but that's not the real Santa that's just a guy in a suit" There's no fooling that kid.

Ben didn't think he needed to stay at the table with us so Ryan and I took turns holding him in our laps.

They also did a craft project and the kids made snowflakes. All 3 of the kids loved it. The big kids made there's quickly but Ben was really slow. But it was fun to sit and watch him slip the beads over the pipe cleaners. He wouldn't let me help him and when I tried he'd scream at me and pull his snowflake out of my hand which would knock a bunch of them off and then he'd have to start over again. It was a very long process.

At the church there's no sitting on Santa's lap so the kids sit in a rocking chair next to him.

Hailey and Santa

Jacob and Santa
Ben wouldn't get close to the Santa at the mall so I didn't think he would do this but he thought the little rocker was cool So he ran over and sat down when it was his turn and sat and had a conversation with Santa. It was so cute. I just loved his faces he was making while they were talking.

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