Sunday, June 28, 2009


The big kids and I went to church at the LDS Church in Raton. It was a totally different experience. The church is so small here that they don't even have a Ward they only have a branch. Everyone was really nice to us. I felt bad though 3 different people came up an introduced them self to me and were so excited when they asked if we were new. When I told them no we were only visiting you could see the disappointment in there face. Hailey went to primary which she really enjoyed but it was new experience for her since there were only about a dozen kids in the entire primary. Jacob refused to go and came to class with me. It was really nice to go to Sunday School and Relief Society for once. Jacob fell asleep on my lap we did fine until he started snoring in Relief Society that was a little embarrassing.

I'm a mean mom and I left Ben home with My parents mainly because I don't have church babies they are horrible during church, so he stayed home with Grandma & Pappy. He didn't appreciate that very much, got mad and fell asleep on the floor. He woke up and was mad so Pappy picked him up and loved on him and he fell back asleep on Pappy's chest.

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