Shell and I went with Mom to help her get a new Smart phone. Pappy was trying to figure it out and Benners wanted to get it from him so he could play with it.
When you have teenagers with you, you end up with odd pictures. The fist one is Shell accidentally wrote on her face and he couldn't understand where it was so finally I took a picture of it. Shell doing chin lifts on Ryan's bar.
For the past 4 years my brothers girls have come to stay with us for a couple of weeks during the summer. They usually come at the end but I wanted them to be here for Hailey's baptism. So they came at the begining of the summer. They were so tired from getting up early, driving to denver to catch the plane, so after dinner the layed down on the couch's and both crashed and fell asleep. So like the good Aunt I am I took pictures of them and posted them on Face book.
Today is also Grandma Jammie's Birthday. I love that she picked Outback as they have a great gluten free menu. I'm not sure what Ashley is telling her but I love the look on their faces. Hay and Jacob sharing their dessert and trying to push Steve out of his spot at the table.
Mandy painted this great picture for Jammie. What a sweet girl. I forgot to mention earlier that Ben has been throwing up all day so he is super sick and grouchy. We were going to go to the movie with them and try to take Ben to the play place with the big kids. But that's not going to work since one of them has been throwing up all day. So I took the kids and went home and Ryan went to the movie with Jammie, Mandy, Ashley, and Jammie's friend Steve
Trysta Davis, X, X, Jaxon Ballingham, Michael Hurd, Isaac Schmitz, X, Jacob Owens I don't remember the other little girls names but I'll add them when I remember.
Jacob Pre-school class minus Kammi (they were on vacation) Mrs Marni had very small classes which I really liked. I think she's a saint anyways I can't imagine having that many 4-5 year olds.
Jacob introducing himself.
The Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs Marni read a story from Dr. Sues I think it's called "The places you will go" I was doing OK until she got choked up and I'm a sympathy crier so I got all choked up to.
I don't know what he said but Mrs Marni had a flower for them to all give to someone that mattered to them or was important to them, and Jacob gave his to me.
The days of the week song.
I only got half the song but it's the ABC song. but notice him bump the little girl next to him playfully, but when his friend Issac bumps him playfully notice how Jacob gets mad. That's my boy grouchy and irritable. But we still love him.
getting his diploma. Rock stars
Jacob's Profile. Name: Jacob Age: 5 (back words) Likes & Dislikes: Likes: My mom, Vicki Dislikes: Peas When I grow up I want to be: a cop So that I can: catch bad guys. I thought it was funny. I thought he would say his likes were the Wii and daddy and he always tells me he wants to be an airplane flyer. That's the best part about being 5 you can still be anything you want to be.
I no longer have a preschooler. He's got the paper work to prove it, he's now a Kindergartner. Jacob and I both loved Mrs. Marni she was firm with Jacob which is what he needs, but also loving with him which is also important to Jacob too. Jacob didn't need to go to school to learn he already knew most of his colors, shapes, could count to ten, and the start of his ABC's. I needed him to learn how to sit in a structured environment. Well Mrs Marni not only taught him that but so much more. he can do all of his colors, shapes, can count to 50, and can say them A-Z. I am so happy with everything he has learned with Mrs. Marni. Jacob and I will miss her very much.
You can't see it very well but she had made stars with chalk on the walk up to the house, and this one is Jacob's. When Hailey graduated from Preschool we got her flowers. But that didn't seem good for Jacob. So we got him the new Zhu-Zhu battle bots that he's been begging for, he was so excited.
Every quarter at school they focus on a different subject. This quarter it was weather, and this was also the cottage when they did their science project. Hailey's was on clouds. It was nice they did most of it in school. So the only part we had to do at home was writing up her info. This is a goofy picture but it's very real, she was so proud of herself.
Her snowflake poem.
Jacob wouldn't let me take his picture but Mrs Tomas gave the boys. Weather hats like Hay they thought they were big stuff.
Day 5 of big boy pants & no accidents!! Yeah!! Busy day lunch, baby shower and tonnnnnns of errands with my girl. Got home at 8 watched a movie with the family while purging the winter & to little clothes & folding 3 over flowing baskets of kids laundry. I'm pooped
Hailey and I went to Lunch, ran a bunch of errands and went to a baby shower.
Hailey loves to go to Sweet tomato with me. She never gets lettuce in her salad so today she was brave and put lettuce in it. I suggested she just put a little, but she went full guns and put a bunch at first she said she liked it but then she changed her mind and said your right mommy I should have just put a little bit.
Our Friends Matt and Tammy have been have been down a really long road to have a baby. They are getting ready to have a little baby girl. So Hailey and I went to the baby shower. Hailey had a good time playing with the other girls that were there. She decorated her self with bows.
I really enjoyed my day with Hay. Being that she's the oldest I rarely get time with just her. So it was really nice to have a day for just me and her to spend the day together and have a Mommy/Hailey date as my kids call it.
Mom's friend Carlie called and asked for tickets for my mom for a retirement present. But instead they gave her tickets for the whole staff to go. Dad was out of town so she asked me to go with her. I'm not a sports fan but getting to have a night out with my mom kidless was great. I have no idea who the DBacks played or who won, but we had fun hanging out together and visiting with her friends from school.
I'm a little confused on why The diamond backs which is a snake has a bobcat as a mascot. We were right next to the pool and I thought the fountain was cool. Me and my momma.
Hailey's teacher told me today that she is reading at a 7th grade reading level. She doesn't always know what the word means but she can tell you what it says. How awesome is that. At the beginning of the 2nd grade she read at a 3rd grade reading level, Half way through the year she read at half way through a 5th grade level, and now at the end of the year she reads at a 7th grade level. she also has increased her Math. She was having a hard time with math she could tell you the answer but as soon as the testing started she would freeze up at the beginning of the year she could only do 6 digits in a minute and now she's doing 63 digits in a minute.
Eduprize rewards the kids by giving parties at the end of the year for everyone who reads 100 hours-There's a water party, 200 hours- and 300 Hours-Pancakes with the principal. Hailey had 280 I think so she got to go to the 100 and the 200 hour parties. I had to work so I couldn't go help but Hailey says they had snacks and played games. I told her if she wanted to go to the 300 hour party she was going to have to pick up her reading but she decided not to. I was able to go help at the 100 party though. And Everyone else in the class made it to the 100 party too.
Hailey and Mrs Tomas after coming after coming down. Mrs. Tomas is a better sport then me I don't think I would have gone down into the filthy water.
I snapped the picture to soon right after this her leg got caught underneath her and she flipped over and tumbled the rest of the way down, and landed face first in the water.
They were throwing a soaking wet football up in the air and then trying to catch it.
They had to put all that stuff on and then run down, around the cone and then run back. My sweet girl got her sports abilities from me so she was not the fastest.
Hailey and her friend Sophia. It took me a minute to convince them that they weren't suppose to put all of their legs in the rubber band just one from each of them. They were so funny.
They had to throw the disk in the hula hoop, and if they made it they got to run through the sprinklers ,well Hailey kept missing so she'd get back in line so I ran over and told her that she didn't have to make it she could still go through. But she would have any part of that she wasn't running through the sprinklers unless she made it. Silly girl.
This was the Hula hoop station. Hailey's been practicing at home so she's very proud of herself that she can do it a little. I think she's got mad skills. You gotta love Volley ball with a great big beach ball. I'm not sure Hailey ever got to hit the ball but she laughed and giggled the entire time. I'm not sure why she was growling at me but she was.
The first person got the sponge wet and everyone passed it to the person behind them and the last person ran it to the dish at the other end and the team that gets there's full first wins.
My cute drowned rat. waiting to go down the slide one more time. I love that sweet little face. I can't believe my girl is so big.