Friday, November 28, 2008
My sneeze
So for those of you who don't spend a lot of time around me, I have a very unusual but distinct sneeze. It's very loud and squeaky. So with that being said. We went to dinner with my parents tonight and we were sitting at the table and I sneezed and the next thing i knew this lady tapped me on the shoulder, and she said "You have to be Vicki" & I say yeah, but haven't recognized her yet but then it clicks and I realize that It's a gal I worked with at the first Haircutting job I had which was 11 years ago. So we spoke for a few minutes and then she says to me "I wasn't sure it was you until you sneezed, and then I knew it was Vicki"I was so embarrassed I haven't seen this lady in 11 years and she recognized me more by my sneeze then by my face. =)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I have so much to be Thankful for. One is my family, and I enjoyed spending the day with them so much. Mom & Dad came over on Wednesday night we had dinner, watched a movie, mom stayed the night and helped me do all the prep work. Ryan's sisters went to Safford to spend the holiday with Ryan's dad, so we had a small bunch just us, my folks, and Ryan's mom.
My babies first Thanksgiving. Big Ben with my turkey. It didn't come out very pretty but it sure did taste good.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Profesional pictures

This post isn't going to have much writing I just wanted to show off some of the professional pics we had taken. Poor Ryan he hates to go with me to have their picture taken. The kids are usually so stinky. He was annoyed by the end of the night but I think they did really well considering how they've acted in the past. 

I have pictures of each of the kids too, but I'm gonna save those, I'm making little posts about each of my little angels.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sad & inept
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to hurt or offend anyone, I am not judging anyone who did or did not Breast feed these are just my feelings. With that being said lets get on to the post.
I have been forced due to a medical issue to stop nursing Ben. It is very hard for me, I know it is necessary but I don't want to. I feel like he's getting the short end of the stick. I stopped nursing the big kids at 12 months so it's only 3 weeks less, but with them it was my choice, and with Ben I feel like I'm being forced to stop like I don't have a choice and I am like most people don't like being told what to do. Breast milk is what's best for my baby and I want to continue to nurse him. His Dr. did make me feel a little better, she said that since I have been nursing him for 11 months he's gotten all the benefit he can stopping 3 weeks early isn't going to hurt him. I also think that this is so hard for me because Ben is our last Baby, so I'm never going to have a baby to nurse again which is also really hard for me. So that was the sad part now on to the inept. So on Monday I realize I am all out of Breast Milk in the freezer and I don't have any formula so I have no way to feed my poor baby. So I had to barrow formula from my neighbor (thanks Renee). So that wasn't bad enough I then had to get her to teach me how to use the formula because I had no idea how much formula to use. I felt like the biggest dork. Mother of 3 and I don't even know how to make a bottle for my baby. So this has been a pretty sucky week all this has been going on and my poor Ben has been sick he has the yucky head cold, he is starting to feel better and i think he has gotten use to the formula. OK I'm done complaining and being a big cry baby. and whining. I know in the scheme of things it's really not going to matter, and Ben's going to be just fine.
I have been forced due to a medical issue to stop nursing Ben. It is very hard for me, I know it is necessary but I don't want to. I feel like he's getting the short end of the stick. I stopped nursing the big kids at 12 months so it's only 3 weeks less, but with them it was my choice, and with Ben I feel like I'm being forced to stop like I don't have a choice and I am like most people don't like being told what to do. Breast milk is what's best for my baby and I want to continue to nurse him. His Dr. did make me feel a little better, she said that since I have been nursing him for 11 months he's gotten all the benefit he can stopping 3 weeks early isn't going to hurt him. I also think that this is so hard for me because Ben is our last Baby, so I'm never going to have a baby to nurse again which is also really hard for me. So that was the sad part now on to the inept. So on Monday I realize I am all out of Breast Milk in the freezer and I don't have any formula so I have no way to feed my poor baby. So I had to barrow formula from my neighbor (thanks Renee). So that wasn't bad enough I then had to get her to teach me how to use the formula because I had no idea how much formula to use. I felt like the biggest dork. Mother of 3 and I don't even know how to make a bottle for my baby. So this has been a pretty sucky week all this has been going on and my poor Ben has been sick he has the yucky head cold, he is starting to feel better and i think he has gotten use to the formula. OK I'm done complaining and being a big cry baby. and whining. I know in the scheme of things it's really not going to matter, and Ben's going to be just fine.
Monday, November 3, 2008
SOOOOOOOOOO frustrated
I'm Sooooooooooooooooo frustrated right now> I decided to be brave and change my layout so I followed the directions and when it popped up and asked me if I was sure I wanted to delete pictures and text, stupid me I said yes and It deleted all the cute stuff I had added to the side so now I'm having to re enter it all. Like I have time for this. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
You'll have to bare with me this blog will be a work in progress.
You'll have to bare with me this blog will be a work in progress.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hailey's first Fast
Last month on fast Sunday Hailey made the comment "I'm never going to fast, cause I'll be hungry." So I decided it was time we discussed the purpose of fasting, i heard in conference one time "Your not fasting right if all you are is hungry" so that next Monday for Family home evening I did the lesson, and Ryan and Jammie added in personal experiences and we explained fasting to her. then we discussed what we were all going to fast for and we decided to have a family fast for what different people in the family needed, so Haily decided to join us so her and i agreed we would fast for one meal this time. In the story I read for the lesson the little boy in the story every time i felt hungry or thirsty he would say a prayer and think about what he was fasting for. So Hay liked that idea and decided that's what she was going to do. So My sweet husband usually gets up with the kids on Sundays and lets me sleep in. So when I got up Hailey told me. "mommy I keep thinking about food and drinking something so I just keep praying" and then she tells me a little later. "I kinda forgot and took a sip of that juice box" I smiled at her and told her it was OK and that this was her first fast so she was still learning. So she says to me "You better get that juice box out of here, but I'm not carrying it cause I think I'll drink it" She's so cute. About 12 Jacob said he was hungry for lunch and I said that lunch was a good idea. Hailey was so excited for lunch. I am so proud of her, I think she did really well for her first fast being that she's just 6. She's growing up so fast, I want her to stop, my mother in law told her the other day to stop growing and Hay told her "but I want to grow up" and Jammie asked her "but Why?" and Hailey told her "because I want to grow up so I can return to my heavenly father". She's so smart I just love her sweet spirit.
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